Published on: June 28, 2023
By Ailene Diaz
CATARMAN, Northern Samar (PIA) – The Department of Public Works and Highways – Northern Samar Second District Engineering Office (DPWH-NSSDEO) has completed two disaster resilient projects in the town of Mapanas.
Located in a coastal area, Mapanas needed protection from typhoon and other weather-related disaster, thus, the DPWH-NSSDEO finished the improvement of Mapanas boulevard with seawall.
Included in the improvement was the construction of 217 meters Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) with a 0.434-km lane roadway with 217 meters seawall structure.
The project also covered installation of 16 sets of solar street lights for the safety of the boulevard users and the contract amount was P19,207,047.88.
OIC District Engineer Charlito S. Carlobos said that aside from reducing hazards, the project protects the town from the impact of storm surge and other natural disaster, and it also promotes tourism, as tourists could enjoy the pristine beauty of Mapanas coastal area.
The other completed project was the third phase of evacuation center with a fund amounting to P19,590,332.62.
Work scope included the removal of damaged structures caused by the recent landslide, replacement of damaged structures, painting works of the facade and exterior walls of the building, partial painting of the interior walls, electrical and plumbing installation.
The 2-storey evacuation center was built with an accommodation rooms and other identified facilities and equipment that formed part of disaster preparedness for the people of Mapanas. (MMP/ADiaz/PIA N. Samar with DPWH NSSDEO)