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DOLE-8 chief calls private employers to implement 2nd tranche wage hike

Published on: January 05, 2023

By Consuelo Alarcon

TACLOBAN CITY (PIA) -- Regional Director Henry John Jalbuena of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in Eastern Visayas has called on all private employers in the region to implement the second tranche wage increase in the private sector which took effect on January 2, 2023.

In a press statement, Director Jalbuena, who is also the chairmperson of the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) Region 8, urged all employers in Eastern Visayas to adhere to Wage Order No. RBVIII-22.

“We at DOLE will be doing our part in ensuring that our workers are receiving what’s due them,”

Jalbuena said.

Under the latest wage order, starting January 2, 2023, workers in the non-agriculture sector and retail/service establishments with 11 workers and above will be receiving a daily minimum wage of P375 while employers in the cottage and handicraft industry, agriculture sector and retail/service establishments employing 10 workers and below must pay their workers not lower than P345 per day.

It may be recalled that Wage Order No. RBVIII-22 took effect on June 27, 2022 which provides for a P50 increase to be implemented in two tranches.

(MMP/CBA with DOLE-8)



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