DOST-TAPI's flagship program for pre-commercialization activities, the Technology Innovation for Commercialization ) Program, is now OPEN for submission of proposals!
In the past 9 years at DOST-TAPI, the TECHNiCOM Program has provided not just grants to aspiring technopreneurs. The TECHNiCOM Program provided hope to our researchers and innovators as they strived to turn their technologies and innovations into market-ready products. The Program has funded 60 projects and has turned many of them into commercial products that have expanded businesses, increased incomes, generated jobs, and advanced technology commercialization. The TECHNiCOM Program has also been a key partner in espousing #ScienceForThePeople, as we reap the fruits of science and technology (S&T) for the benefit of our country.
With great hope as we look onward, we once again invite you to apply, let TECHNiCOM help you in your lab-to-market journey, and make #InnovationsOurFuture.
Local Research and Development Institutions (RDIs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and Startup companies/firms are welcome to apply*!
Project proposals are accepted until 15 May 2022, 5:00 PM.
Relevant links can be accessed below:
1. Call for Proposals
2. Documentary requirements and forms
3. Detailed Call Guidelines (please see attachment)
or you can refer to this link:
Philippine Information Agency Region VIII